Friday, Feb. 2nd


COLLECTIVE: 6:00-9:00pm (Keynote 1)

We’ll start Develop with a meal all together and a night of worship and teaching from our keynote speaker.

Saturday, Feb. 3rd

BREAKFAST: 8:00-9:00

Breakfast burritos and cinnamon rolls, you don’t want to miss this!

WORKSHOP 1: 9:00-10:30

Drum and Bass Connection - Kyle Fabatz and Dan Pourbaix

The foundation of a band is the rhythm section composed of the drummer and bassist. Musical chemistry between these members is worth attention and development. You’ll learn in this seminar how to apply practical tools for each instrument and explore how they can serve the song by filling in spaces and working with the rest of the band.

Philosophy and Logistics of Livestreams - Scott Gayer

Livestream is one of the biggest conversations for churches and worship staff post pandemic. This class will cover questions about whether a church should do livestream, what are the philosophical/theological considerations behind doing livestream, and what it takes logistically to do livestream. Additionally, discussion on the ethos and benefits of producing worship music for livestream will be covered. Many churches are wrestling through these questions, and if this is you or your church, you should take this class.

Great Lyrics - Aaron Leduc

Aaron has made no secret of his love for Andrew Peterson’s music. In this session, he’ll explore Andrew’s lyrics, and dig into why they’re so powerful in pointing us to Christ. Learn some of the practical skills behind the craft of songwriting, and think of ways it can apply to the songs we sing on Sunday mornings.

Sound Techniques: Using Compression - Jesse Cowan

Compression is one of the most powerful tools at the disposal of an audio engineer, but can be incredibly frustrating to implement with confidence. In this session, we will work through solutions to the most frequent questions received regarding compression: – What is compression, actually? – How do I know where to start? – How can I tell if it is even working? – Does the "style" of compressor matter? – What difference does it really make in my mix?

Liturgy and Service Planning: Principles and Procedures - Paul Boehner

How do we make a service that shepherds people to the heart of God? This class unpacks a handful of service planning principles and processes that will help worship leaders, pastors, or team members to think through how to intentionally plan a service’s different elements to clearly teach and experience the gospel. If you are involved in planning services, this class is definitely for you.

Acoustic Techniques: Weird Capo’s, Weird Tunings, Weird Strumming - Nick Cistola

It is quite easy to fall into a rut and plateau as an acoustic player, especially in a worship context. This class explores a different way to think about the acoustic guitar using unique capo’s, alternate tunings, and thinking through right hand technique to breathe life back into acoustic guitar creativity. While these techniques might not be for everyone or for all contexts, expect to get some ideas that push your creativity on the acoustic!

WORKSHOP 2: 10:45-12:15

Drum Techniques: Enhancing Creativity Through Practice Techniques and Stick Control - Charlie O’Neil

It is widely accepted that practicing your stick control enhances your playing, and many drummers have played their fair share of paradiddles. However, practice can become monotonous and boring, and often seems to lack practical applications on the kit. This class will cover engaging ways to approach your practice routine and how to translate your practice to the drum kit in ways that not only improve your fluency on the kit, but provide new ways of approaching writing drum parts. Bring your practice pad and sticks if you’d like!

Electric Guitar Signal Chain - Chase Nation

For the electric player, tone is everything. Many times the issue for electric players is not the parts they are playing, but rather the tone they are using. In this class we will go through the basic gear you need and how to use it, different textures you can use and how to get them, and our role as electric guitar players in the context of a worship band.

The Basics of Vocal Technique - Adreanne Brungardt

The voice is the only instrument that is fully part of your body. Come and learn about your voice as an instrument within you. This class will cover production, quality, and stylistic intentionality of the singing voice. If you are looking for some direction and tips of developing as a vocalist, this is the class for you.

Acoustic Guitar Techniques - Matthew McGinley

While acoustic guitar is a backbone of many worship bands, it is an instrument rarely developed beyond learning a couple chords. In this class we will go over our role as acoustic players, the difference of leading from acoustic or simply playing acoustic, the gear you need and how to use it, different chord and voicing techniques, and guitar theory.

Building and Leading Ministry Teams - Adam Anglin

Growing your ministry teams can be the key to unlocking long-term discipleship that builds up the body of Christ for the work of ministry. In this breakout we'll examine how to build out a ministry that is scalable and sustainable. We'll also have time for Q&A to get into some of the specific pinch points of leading ministries.

Bass Techniques - Nick Cistola

From a distance playing bass can seem like a simple task, yet, it is one of the most critical instruments in the band. In this class we will cover ways to improve as a bass player. We will talk about key paradigms, practice techniques, and possible next steps for wherever you are in your bass journey.

LUNCH: 12:15-1:30

Grab some friends and hit old town Fort Collins! Or bring your own lunch and eat on the playground.

WORKSHOP 3: 1:30-3:00

Song Arrangement: Producing and Leading a Band - Chase Nation

Leading and coordinating a band can be similar to playing the role of a producer in a recording studio. This class will cover how to arrange parts and players in rehearsal to fit the overall goals of the song, or in our case, leading our people in worship. Raul and Chase bring years of experience and skill in producing and leading bands, both in the church and outside professional environments. This class is for you if you lead band rehearsals or produce music.

Visual Technology in Worship - Nat Trout

Slides, lights, and stages are practical parts of every church. This class will cover the basics of presentation software and setups, lighting rigs, and stage design. This class is valuable if you are confused on how to set up lights, what software to use for slides, whether you should use a projector or a tv, or how to use a DMX cable.

Music Theory 101: From C Major to Nashville Numbers - Aaron LeDuc

Just like humans, notes exist in relationship to each other. In this class we will progress some C major to Nashville numbers. No previous music theory knowledge required. If you don’t know what Nashville numbers are, you should take this class.

Composing and Arranging Parts on Electric Guitar - Mike Ayars

Electric guitar is a versatile instrument, so much so that when considering pedal boards, it leaves endless possibilities. This class is designed to help you think like a composer in finding parts that fit in the big picture scope of the song. Growing in finding tasteful parts on the electric guitar that elevates the song is an important part of leading a worship team.

Culture’s Relationship to Music and Worship - Adam Skatula

Music is inherently culturally located. Therefore, worship both reflects our culture but can also drive our culture. Adam brings years of experience in both the church and in the music business world. If you are trying to think through cultural decisions in your music and in your church, this class will be helpful.

WORKSHOP 4: 3:15-4:45

Worship Wisdom - Aaron LeDuc, Wladimir Navarro, Chris Schuett, Joel Limpic

We almost called this session "Old Worship Leaders and What They've Learned". Wladi, Chris, Joel, and Aaron have a combined worship leading experience that equals a whole lot of years. They have all led worship ministries for a long season of life and have significant wisdom to share. Spend some time learning from their mistakes, their experience, and more of their mistakes.

Weird Instruments in Worship - Nick Cistola

Do you play the trumpet? Have you ever had to figure out how to lead a band with a clarinet? So many instruments are not common to modern worship environments, and this class is designed to help you figure out where these instruments fit. Whether you are a player of a “weird instrument” or lead a band with “weird instruments” this is the class for you.

Vocal Techniques: Harmonies and Blend - Adreanne Brungardt

Singing with other people is both highly challenging and highly rewarding. This class will cover some of the technical considerations and artistic considerations of how to sing harmonies and blend with other people in a band context. Working on your harmonies and growing in singing with others should be a skill that vocalists are constantly refining.

Launching Kid’s Worship: Lessons Learned - Amanda Cistola

Leading our children in worship is an endeavor that can have significant impact on young lives. However, it can be a significant challenge to do it consistently and long term. Amanda recently (re)launched doing worship live at MVCC and has some learned some lessons along the way. If your church is considering live worship for kids ministry or if your kids ministry is growing and this could later be a fit, don’t miss out on these lessons learned.

COLLECTIVE: 6:00-9:00 (Keynote 2)

We’ll wrap up the conference with another dinner together and a night of worship and teaching.